Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How To Detect Twin Pregnancy

Twin pregnancies is a pregnancy by the number of fetuses in the womb more than one; could be two, three, four, even more. Those who have a history of twin offspring (mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and others) will usually give birth to twins as well. However, twin pregnancies can also occur in women who use fertility drugs to stimulate ovulation induced; mothers with a history of frequent childbirth; mothers who have just stopped taking the contraceptive pill; to mothers who do IVF fertilization techniques.

Typically, multiple pregnancy easily detected. Through ultrasound, at the age of eight weeks of pregnancy will be detected two or more fetal heart rate. Furthermore, the physical examination the fetus will be more obvious starting the second trimester.

In addition to passing an ultrasound examination, we are also able to detect multiple pregnancies in the following ways.

* Generally, pregnant belly looked bigger than normal size with age pregnancy. Size that does not normally begin to appear when the age of the womb into the second trimester. Try to compare it with previous pregnancies or with other pregnant women about the size of your pregnancy. If greater, it could be a sign that your baby twins.

* Handle your stomach gently, looking for the big rather prominent. In singleton pregnancies will be felt two major parts, namely the head and buttocks. While in a twin pregnancy, will be felt three or more major parts. Will be felt one butt and two heads, two buttocks and one head, two heads of two buttocks, and so on. Minimum of three major sections will be palpable.

* Go to a four-month gestation, the fetus usually can move. Based on the study, normal fetal movements about 10 times in 12 hours. If more than that, up to twice that for example, can show the twin fetus.

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