Monday, September 27, 2010

Three Tips for More Joy

HOW you look at yourself and the world a significant effect on happiness is achieved. Some people look at the positive side of things, while others always looked anxiously to the back shoulder.

Which type are you?

We all have experienced critical times in life, when all things seemed to threaten and make us giddy lose grip.

Sometimes, it is much easier to sink and self-pity than rise up and fight. But, you certainly do not want to be the ones to lose, right?

Well, here is some way of looking at life through the eyes of potitif and feel happier:

Keep track of negative thoughts
Just like you track where did spend every month, fill the mind also needs to be tracked. Find out how many negative thoughts that haunt the mind of every heart. Many of us who do not realize how negative thoughts can membanyangi choices and decisions.

Make a commitment to track the negative voices from within themselves for one or two days. Keep a journal or notes on your side and track how many times the negative voice resonates in your brain.

Change sentence
After tracking the negative thoughts that haunt, you need to replace them with positive sentences. That what you most critics in life? Is it appearance or your job, to replace all those bad thoughts with positive phrases that support.

Start your day with positivity
How you start the day determines how the rest of the day walking. Regardless of what happens during a day of it, take control by lifting the spirit since the beginning of the day.

Say positive affirmations, focus on your strengths, and shine.

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