Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Natural Herb Reduce Sweat At Axilla

The body naturally regulate temperature by sweating. When the sweat of your body healthy sign. However, when excessive sweating and cause unpleasant smells, the sign you need an antiperspirant and deodorant. Especially if you have excessive sweating in the armpit area that began to disturb the performance. To fix this, you can rely on deodorant or antiperspirant from natural ingredients to overcome the sweat on the armpits.

Antiperspirant from Sage

Sage is a kind of green leafy plant grass and murky grayish. Sage contains phenolic acids, antibacterial agents that can reduce the odor of underarm sweat. The American Pharmaceutical Association stated, German health authorities allow use of the herb sage to reduce perspiration in the armpit. However, the use of sage should not be excessive. Because the sage oil contains a component called thujone, and can cause coma if used in excessive amounts. The American Pharmaceutical Association also suggested that sage should not be used by pregnant or lactating women.

How to use sage to reduce perspiration in the underarm are described in practical handbook of natural medicine, published in The American Pharmaceutical Association. In the book described, sweating in the armpits can be controlled by way of sipping tea from sage or sage essential oils applied to the armpits.

Antiperspirant of apple cider vinegar
Excessive sweating can also be overcome with apple cider vinegar, as described in the book 1801 Home Remedies, published by Reader's Digest. Apply apple cider vinegar on the armpits in dry conditions. Rub apple cider vinegar on the armpits before going to sleep. The body will absorb the liquid more leverage when you sleep. Apple cider vinegar is wetting the pores of the skin and drying effect. In the morning, wash and dry then apply underarm deodorant products. Acid in apple cider vinegar helps neutralize the bacteria that cause odor due to perspiration in the armpit. On sensitive skin, this apple cider vinegar can cause dry skin. If this happens to you, immediately stop use.

Deodorant from baking soda
Baking soda is an odor neutralizer, typically used to absorb odors in the refrigerator. To make this a natural deodorant, mix baking soda with the starch from corn flour, the ratio is 50:50. Mix until evenly distributed. Add essential oils which contain antibacterial. Environmental activist and author of Harmonious Environment, Norma Lehmeier-Hartie, suggest give a few drops of tea tree essential oil, lemon or lavender in a mixture of baking soda earlier. This natural ingredient is not necessarily completely eliminate sweat, but can reduce the odor in the armpit due to excessive sweating.

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