Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lose Weight Without Tortured

Many women try to reduce body weight through diet is too strict. For example, willing to starve for the sake of getting the results you dreamed of.

It seems indeed plausible, but this way you'll catch a misconception. Some experts argue, is actually a good diet is not desperate to avoid such foods. With a set of healthy eating when dieting, you can avoid the torments of hunger.

Through the application of a healthy lifestyle, you can also keep your body fit and slim in a healthy manner, as quoted from the Modern Mom.

Create a schedule

Adjust the feeding schedule. For example you can give a distance of two to three hours before eating again. Make your eating schedule on a regular basis every day and be consistent to follow. For you are always reminded of the schedule that had been developed, you can stick it in the refrigerator or other strategic places.

Consumption of foods high in protein

Foods high in protein will keep you full longer. Food is at once useful to provide good fuel for the body.

You can eat foods high in protien and low in fat, such as skinless chicken breast, skinless turkey breast, salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, egg whites, tofu, and tempeh, soy milk.

Bring lunch

This is important if you want to travel. By bringing their food, you can eat anywhere. It is also to anticipate that you do not deviate from the schedule previously set meal.

Follow the rules

Record intake of calories contained in food that you consume. Record what you eat and how many calories in each meal. This is to ascertain whether the frequency of your meals so as not to overeat.

How many calories?

Well, this is important. Frequent meals does not mean you eat more. But, you need to know, as long as the calories contained in your food when added together, the maximum between 1800 and 2,000 calories. That is, every meal that you consume at least consist of about 300-350 calories.

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